Page 90 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 90

 Going pink for Dig Pink
By Nicolette DiMare '23
Everytliing is different tinis year, but one tiling Inas not changed - Carrollton celebrates Dig Pink.
On October 9, pinic was everywiiere. Most members of tine Carrollton community participated in the dress down fundraiser. Money was also raised through T- shirt sales, and promotions provided by Apizza Brooklyn and W hip 'n Dip.
The Carrollton Varsity and Junior Varsity volleyball
teams competed in matches against Miami Country Day School, and won. Because o f the many C O V ID -19 safety precautions, there were not the usual pep rallies and fans were unable to attend the games in person, but many tuned in to watch the live-stream games. “W e had over
150 people tune into the YouTube channel to watch the game and w e received only positive reactions. O f course, most people expressed how they missed the excitem ent of watching in person, but were grateful for being able to still watch live,” wrote Claudia Garcia, Assistant Athletic Director.
Dig Pink is a special fundraiser which supports the Side-Out Foundation - both a nonprofit and research organization committed to providing life-extending solutions and hope foi those with stage IV breast cancer, and promote awareness.
"I was very proud that the Carrollton community still rallied around this wonderful cause despite not being able to celebrate as we usually do," wrote Ms. Garcia.

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