Page 96 - Yggdrasil 2021
P. 96

_-'c' - c ' sr^ce'ts c^.cse cosrjme ^-erries tor their advisory groups and performed skits from their classrooms on Zoom. In the Upper School 5C^ c'cce c'essec Dy“ e~es o'c :a'-tec pumokins.
O n Saturday thiere v/as another trunk or treat event which this year, because o f C O V ID restrictions, replaced the G oal IV Fall Harvest Festival, but st::l broughr the communit/ together. Junior High students sponsored a drive to collect candy and treats for the event. Upper School students
decorated their cars and handed out the candy, and Montessori, Primary and Intermediate school families dressed up in costumes, and drove through ^he Barai Carnpij; receiv‘'iy treats.

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