Page 11 - March 2021
P. 11
Reflecting Upon The South
Warm greetings from the South! I wanted to take a minute to remind the breth- ren of Door to Virtue that one of my responsibilities as Junior Warden of YOUR lodge is to make a sick report during stated meetings. I encourage you to let me know of any brother or family members who need Lodge prayers and well wish- es. I will make my utmost effort to ensure that cards and appropriate Lodge support is always provided. You can reach me by phone or text at 610-256-7682 or by email at, or better yet use the buttons on the Officers page of the Flipbook.
Another duty of the Junior Warden is to supervise the Lodge during the hours of refreshment. It brings me great pleasure to announce that the recent guidance from Our Most Worshipful Grand Master will allow me to begin supplying post meeting refreshments. These will be individually packaged snacks and drinks to allow for appropriate COVID protocols. I encourage you to stop in the hall after the next meeting and grab something, either for the road, or to enjoy during some socially distanced fellowship.
Thank you all for the privilege of serving as your Junior Warden. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.