Page 1 - English- Prep (1) - Unit (7)
P. 1

Unit (7)

                                             Have a great trip

                    New vocabulary

           1-attitude (n)                   the way that sb thinks or behaves towards sb/ sth
           2-tourism (n)                    he business related to providing services for people
                                              travelling on holiday(tour :v, n), tourist :n)

           3-time off (n)                   a period of time when you do not go to work or
                                              school, e.g. because of illness or for a break
           4-carbon footprint (n)  the amount of carbon dioxide your activities produce

           5-return flight (n)              a ticket for a journey by plane that covers going to
                                              and back from somewhere

           6-generate (v)                   Produce (generator :n)
           7- avoid (v)                     keep away from sb/sth (avoidance :n)
           8-balance out (phr v)            to be the same in value to something that has an
                                              opposite effect

           9-suffer (v)                     to be negatively affected by sth
           10-over- (prefix)                too much

           11-overcrowding (n)              bad conditions when there are too many
                                              people(overcrowded :adj)
           12-increase (v)                  to become or make sth greater in amount, number,
                                              etc.( increase :n, increasingly :adv)

           13-rather than (phr)             instead of

           14-chain (n)                     a group of business that all belong to one company
           15-fill up (phr v)               to make sth full
           16-equal (adj)                  that is the same as sb/sth else(equally :adv, equal :n)

           17-cheaply (adv)                without spending a lot of money (cheap: adj)
           18-conditions (n)               the way things are around you

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