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3. Think clear over clever. Trust me on this: Clever taglines, puns, anything subtle or insider-y is not going to work in your favor. Far better to connect with the user/prospect/client and speak to THEM. Make it very clear what it is you do and who you do it for. And the answer can’t be everyone. Remember, in the world of online business, if I’m confused, it’s a no. So be clear and simple first.
Everyone makes a big deal out of a company and domain name. Now, if you’re an established brand, and you already have your domain, ok fine. But I work with plenty of entrepreneurs and they go nutso over this stuff and they think it has to be a certain name, and should they spend 10K to get it. Probably not. There are many ways to create a domain name and sometimes this gets way, way more time and attention than the things that matter most (see above). Start with the promise, and what it means, what people need most, and the name will emerge from THAT. You don’t (normally) start with a name. You land on one.
5. Tell your story, show your face. Seems obvious, but I can’t tell you how many “about” buttons I click on and find this long meandering mission-y sounding thing and don’t know what I’m reading or why. Just tell us, in clear and no uncertain terms, who you are and why you exist. Why you’re doing, offering, selling this thing. It’s also a really good idea to have some faces and names in there. I want to see who I’m dealing with—because in the end, you are the brand.
Terri Trespicio is a brand strategist, speaker, and co-creator of, a six-week course that teaches entrepreneurs and experts how to get, and keep, media attention. Her TEDx talk, “Stop Searching for Your Passion,” has earned more than 1.7 million views. She lives in New York City. Connect with her at
Don’t go nuts over the name first.
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