Page 12 - YPO Mini Magazine Draft One
P. 12

Technology & Future Trends
Technology is in constant  ux and companies need to stay on top of innovation in the industry to stay relevant. Engage with Geniecast’s resident futurists, VR experts, and disruptors to prepare your company for the changes on the horizon.
The World In 2035
Cate Trotter
• Ways the world is likely to change
• The new mindsets, business models, and technologies helping businesses grow
• Recommendations for how traditional businesses can adapt
60 Minute Moderated Q&A
Steve Wozniak
• Learn insights in business creation, tech development, and social service to make your company an innovative force
• Get answers to your most pressing questions to prep your company with proven success strategies
The Big AHA: How to Future-Proof Your Business Today
Jack Uldrich
• Understand the trends transforming the world
• Develop an appreciation for both why humility will be critical in navigating the uncharted waters of tomorrow
• Learn how to take action in the face of uncertainty

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