Page 100 - Egan Church Furnishing Full Product Catalog
P. 100
WALL TABERNACLES Made of Bronze with Steel Housings for Insertion into Wall Cavity. Bas Relief Sculpted Decoration of High
Polish Bronze Finish. Interiors Lined With White Silk and Aromatic Cedar . Vault Lock $700 Additional.
71TAB40 $7,500 ea.
Automatic Action Doors Vault Lock
71TAB58 $3,600 ea.
71TAB90 $3,900 ea.
Bronze Frame: Height 18 1/2”, Width 14 1/2”
Steel Case: Height 16”, Width 121/4”, Depth 12” Interior: Height 14 3/4”, Width 10 1/2”, Depth 111/2” Door Opening: Height 141/2”, Width 10”
Bronze Frame: Height 18 3/4”, Width 12 3/4”
Steel Case: Height 15 3/4”, Width 111/2”, Depth 12” Interior: Height 14 3/4”, Width 10 1/2”, Depth 111/2” Door Opening: Height 141/2”, Width 73/4”
71TAB62 $3,400 ea.
Bronze Frame: Height 16 1/2”, Width 121/4”
Steel Case: Height 14 1/4”, Width 103/4”, Depth 12”
Interior: Height 13 1/4”, Width 93/4” Depth 121/2”
Door Opening: Height 13”, Width 8”
71TAB34 $3,200 ea.
Bronze Frame:
Height 14 1/2”, Width 111/2”
Steel Case:
Height 13”, Width 103/8”, Depth 12” Interior:
Height 12”, Width 123/8” Depth 111/2” Door Opening: Height 113/4”, Width 8”
Customer Supplied Key
Bronze Frame: Height 18 1/4”, Width 16 1/2”
Steel Case: Height 17 7/8”, Width 15 7/8”, Depth 16” Interior: Height 15”, Width 15 1/4”, Depth 151/2” Door Opening: Height 13 1/2”, Width 8 1/2”
Exposition Tabernacle
10KEY44 $275 ea. Decorative Tabernacle
Width 1 3/8”, Height 11/8”
20TAB83 $4,650 ea. Bronze Frame:
Height 14”, Width 12”,
Steel Case: Height 121/8”, Width 101/2” Depth 10” Interior: Height 111/4”, Width
93/4” Depth 91/2”,
Door Opening:
Height 111/2”, Width 81/2”
20KEY58 $410 ea. Ornate Tabernacle
Diameter 2”
71TAB15 $3,600 ea.
Bronze Frame: Height 17”, Width 13”
Steel Case: Height 14 1/2”, Width 11”, Depth 12” Interior: Height 13 1/2”, Width 10”, Depth 111/2” Door Opening:
Height 131/2”, Width 9 1/2”
Key Handle
Key Handle
Installed on