Page 1 - Corby Trader Nov 2022 hi-res
P. 1

TRADER  3  2   1 ISSUE

              MATHS AND                                 Now enrolling

        ENGLISH TUITION                            students for the new
                                                         school year

                                                One of the largest
                                                 tuition centres in
                                               England has landed
                                                       in Corby.
                                                  We would love to
                                                       meet you

                                                          Now offering
               You will be given daily
              homework set specifically
            for your child’s current needs.      ASSESSMENT
            They will then attend a weekly
                                                   learn where your child’s ability is
              class at the Kumon centre in
             Corby where we monitor their
                                                    with Adam our Corby teacher
                    progress closely.
                                                        07505 909229

                           NO VEMBER 2022

                          SUPPORTING THE L O C AL C OMMUNITY

                               www .lo c altr ader suk.c om
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