P. 12
Press Release
Ministry of Educa on and Alef Educa on Partner to Foster
Environmental Sustainability and Climate Educa on
Abu Dhabi, October 20, 2023: Alef Educa on, a UAE-based global leader in educa onal
technology, and the Ministry of Educa on have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU)
to establish a framework for increased collabora on in environmental sustainability and climate
educa on.
This partnership highlights Alef Educa on and the Ministry of Educa on's commitment to
furthering their joint environmental sustainability endeavours, including integra ng sustainability
as a central theme throughout the educa onal journey. The MOU seeks to advance
environmental educa on by implemen ng several ini a ves designed to foster the exper se and
capabili es of students and educators, enabling them to pursue climate-related ac on paths.
Through this partnership, Alef Educa on will provide its exper se and resources and provide
access to educa onal materials and resources for crea ng and implemen ng environmental
educa on programs. The company will also ac vely par cipate in climate educa on ini a ves
organized by the Ministry of Educa on.
H.E. Dr. Amna Al Dahak Al Shamsi the assistant undersecretary of the care and capacity building
sector at the Ministry of Educa on, said: “We, in the Ministry of Educa on, acknowledge the
significant role of educa on in shaping future genera ons’ awareness of climate challenges, and
their ability to address these in order to build a sustainable future. We are keen to strengthen
collabora on with our local and interna onal strategic partners in order to transform the
educa onal system based on a well-defined strategy that incorporates sustainability principles in
all aspects of educa on. This move aligns with the na onal climate agenda and aims to bring
about tangible and sustainable changes that benefit students, educators, teachers, and society as
a whole. We are therefore delighted to con nue our partnership with Alef Educa on in order to
build upon our past achievements, and to introduce sustainable ini a ves and programs that
integrate climate educa on and environmental sustainability throughout all educa onal stages.”
Geoffrey Alphonso, CEO of Alef Educa on, said: “We are commi ed to equipping students with
the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to address pressing global climate challenges. We want
to increase their environmental awareness and encourage them to ac vely par cipate in
developing solu ons to these problems. Educa on plays an important role in advancing the goals
of the global climate agenda and shaping a more sustainable future by empowering the next