P. 27

      1/22/24, 2:53 PM                                  ‘Andalusia: His ory and Civil z a ion’ glit ers
       ‘Andalusia: His tory and Civil iz a tion’ glit ters
       Gulf Today · 20 Jan 2024 · Staff Reporter

       ABU DHABI: The ‘Andalusia: His tory and Civil iz a tion’ ini ti at ive suc cess fully con cluded its

       artistic pro gramme with an enthralling musical con cert titled ‘Andalus ian Nights: Gui tar and
       Arabic Music.’ The con cert was per formed by the inter na tion ally acclaimed gui tar ist Ant o nio
       Rai and oud player Sadiq Jaa far, which drew a remark able crowd of Al-andalus ian art enthu -
       si asts.

       The ‘Andalusia: His tory and Civil iz a tion’ ini ti at ive fea tured a series of art and musical events
       as well as, exhib i tions show cas ing a vari ety of art works and her it age col lec tions. The primary
       object ive of the ini ti at ive is to intro duce the audi ence to the rich tapestry of Arab-andalus ian
       her it age, while pro mot ing cross-cul tural under stand ing. The series of musical pro grammes

       lead ing up to the cap tiv at ing ‘Andalus ian Nights: Gui tar and Arabic Music’ con cert at the
       Emir ates Palace, all served a key role in uphold ing the cul tural her it age, and pro mot ing the
       val ues of tol er ance and coex ist ence.
       The ini ti at ive’s artistic activ it ies that con tin ued over sev eral months included a series of

       musical events, includ ing the ‘Cor doba Nights,’ an enchant ing sym phonic per form ance by a
       50-mem ber orches tra, skil fully led by the worldrenowned maes tro Enma Shara. The event
       was held on Octo ber 8, 2023, at the Emir ates Palace Aud it or ium in Abu Dhabi, cap tiv at ing
       audi ences with the beauty of Span ish sym phon ies that bear the soul of Andalus ian melod ies.

       The mes mer ising ‘Ya Zaman al Wasl bil Andalusi’ even ing, which hon oured Andalus ian
       Muwashahat, was another high light. This incred ible per form ance, which took place on
       Novem ber 12, 2023, at the Emir ates Palace Theatre, included a large choir of male and female
       sing ers, accom pan ied by a tal en ted group of musi cians and vocal ists dir ec ted by orches tra

       con ductor Ghada Harb.
       Addi tion ally,thein i ti at ive fea ture damem or able ‘Fla menco Night,’ which was hos ted on
       Decem ber 20, 2023, by the inter na tion ally acclaimed per former Anna Mor ales, who is
       renowned for her pro   ciency in the tra di tional Span ish art form.

       Mohammed Al Murr, Chair man of the ‘Andalusia: His tory and Civil iz a tion’ Ini ti at ive Com -
       mitee, expressed his delight in the suc cess ful con clu sion of the ini ti at ive’s art pro grammes,
       which cel eb rates the rich her it age of the ancient Andalus ian civil isa tion. He emphas ised how
       the art events in Abu Dhabi rep res en ted the con ver gence of Arab and Span ish cul tures, as it

       show cased the diverse artistic tra di tions of Andalusia. The pro gramme’s line-up of art
       events, which fea tured excep tional dis plays of vari ous art forms, such as stan zas,  a menco
       dances, and gui tar melod ies, among oth ers, was also received well by him.

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