P. 53

      1/12/24, 2:48 PM                                 ‘Fla menco Night’ glor  ies Andalus an her t age
       ‘Fla menco Night’ glor i fies Andalus ian her it age
       Gulf Today · 23 Dec 2023 · Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

       ABU DHABI: The ‘Andalusia: His tory and Civil iz a tion’ ini ti at ive suc cess fully con cluded its

       ‘Fla menco Night’ at the Emir ates Palace in Abu Dhabi. The event drew a large num ber of Fla -
       menco audi ence, along with enthu si asts of all forms of cul tural and artistic endeav ours.

       The Fla menco Night, led by the dis tin guished Ana Mor ales, aimed to hon our the Andalus ian
       her it age as a sym bol of coex ist ence, com mu nic a tion, and the advance ment of peace val ues.
       Recip i ent of mul tiple inter na tional awards, Ana is regarded as one of the most prom in ent and

       accom plished indi vidu als in this ancient Span ish art, and is among the world’s lead ing con -
       tem por ary artists. The cere mony was an accur ate por trayal of the UAE’S com mit ment to fos -
       ter ing cul tural exchange and com mu nic a tion among indi vidu als from diverse cul tures.
       “The ‘Fla menco Night’ was a mag ni   cent even ing of Andalus ian art and singing, unit ing
       some of the most prom in ent cul tures and civil iz a tions. And we believe in the sig ni  c ance of

       the Andalus ian her it age as an inspir ing model for coex ist ence and col lab or a tion, as well as a
       means of con sol id at ing the found a tions for peace among people. The ini ti at ive also under -
       scored the coun try’s ded ic a tion to fos ter ing cul tural exchange and com mu nic a tion among

       indi vidu als from vari ous cul tures, thereby help ing to strengthen the his tor ical and cul tural
       con nec tions between the UAE and Spain,” said Mohammed Al-murr, Chair man of the
       ‘Andalusia: His tory and Civil iz a tion’ Ini ti at ive Com mitee.
       The ‘Fla menco Night’ is part of the Art and Music pro grammes of ‘Andalusia: His tory and
       Civil iz a tion’ ini ti at ive launched by the United Arab Emir ates. The project sought to high light

       Andalusia’s Arab civil iz a tion, while high light ing the val ues of coex ist ence and tol er ance that
       came to the fore front in that par tic u lar his toric set ing. In addi tion to encour aging deeper ties
       and draw ing aten tion to the shared con nec tions between the UAE and Spain, the event aimed

       to hon our Andalusia’s rich cul tural, artistic, and civil isa tional leg acy.
       By show cas ing the unique Andalus ian civil iz a tion model as a prime illus tra tion of inter cul -
       tural coex ist ence and tol er ance, the ini ti at ive served as a cul tural bridge con nect ing the UAE
       and Spain. The UAE’S stand ing as the centre of cul tural exchange in the region is fur ther
       cemen ted by events like ‘Fla menco Night,’ thus rein for cing the nation’s har mo ni ous artistic

       and cul tural envir on ment.

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