Page 36 - IEREI PR Report - November 2023
P. 36
IEREI partners with DLD and RERA to enhance real estate training standards in Dubai
innova ve business prospects, support Emira businesses, and offer vital cu ng-edge technology solu ons
to ensure that the industry stays ahead of the curve. It will further prepare and implement training
programs for ci zens that support Emira sa on, ensuring their employment and establishment of their own
IEREI is a top-ranking real estate ins tute in Dubai, which provides the most recent, precise and per nent
real estate knowledge for professionals in the sector. The Dubai Land Department and the Real Estate
Regulatory Agency has recognised and approved IEREI’s educa onal programs and the ins tute is further
accredited globally by IAO, AHQSE, and FIABCI EMIRATES as well as licensed and approved by Knowledge &
Human Development Authority – Dubai (KHDA).
The ins tute’s future goals include developing the most cu ng-edge and efficient technical knowledge
sharing pla orm, gaining more interna onal accredita ons and recogni ons, as well as forging more robust
and strategic alliances with prominent companies across the world. 2/2