Page 6 - 2017 New Wittek Mini Golf Catalog
P. 6

#82190 #82191
#82132 - 8 Ball #82140 - Baseball #82141 - Basketball #82142 - Cow Ball #82143 - Earth Ball
#82144 - Eye Ball #82145 - America Ball #82146 - Football #82147 - $100 Ball #82148 - Soccer Ball
#82149 - Tennis Ball
#82155 - Blue/Red Tye Dye #82156 - Yellow/Blue Tye Dye #82157 - Pink/Purple Swirl #82158 - Yellow/Green Swirl
#82164 - Jack-O-Lantern #82167 - Smile
#82168 - Smile Sunglasses #82171 - Blue/White Swirl #82172 - Tiger Stripe
#82177 - Camouflage #82181 - Mummy #82182 - Skull & RIP #82186 - Girafe #82187 - Zebra
#82188 - Pink Zebra #82189 - Snake
#82190 - Chetah
#82191 - Pink Camoflage #82193 - Jolly Roger
Price: $10.95 Dz.
1927: First Patented U.S. course – “Tom Thumb Golf”, built in 1927 by Garnet Carter on Lookout Mountain, TN to attract traffic to the hotel he owned.

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