Page 13 - Wittek Golf 2016-2017 Catalog
P. 13

Accept credit cards right at your ball dispenser
Ball Dispenser Accessories
• Crossfire and e-range are recognized as a leading provider of wireless, cashless transactions and networking services to the Golf Industry.
• Accept credit cards right at your ball dispenser.
• Crossfire makes available unattended credit card payment technology
right at the ball dispenser.
• Affordable; quick return on investment.
• No stored transactions. Real time approvals.
• Accept $ Bills at Ball Dispenser (Optional.)
• Use the credit card processor of your choice*.
• Reduces token abuse.
• Secure Transactions.
• Reduce employee time.
#74326 - Crossfire System - $1,995.00 Ea.
#74237 - Crossfire System with Bill Acceptor - $2,295.00 Ea.
Use wireless PIN numbers
• Range Ball Dispensers. • Range Membership. All versions of e-range PC software require a PC or laptop running Windows with an unused 9 Pin serial port or USB port. Version e-range 6.0 and Version 8.0 require any printer capable of printing on 8.5 x 11” paper to print reports. Requires
any POS or receipt printer with an installed compatible windows printer driver. Additional hardware for communication is included, however the computer needs another unused serial port.
e-range allows you to manage prepaid customer accounts; collect interest on the money customers have deposited, and gives you the cash up front. It
can pay for itself in less than a week. You can balance employee’s cash to the actual sales at the dispenser, even weeks after their shift. e-range can deactivate a lost or stolen account and replace it instantly with an accurate balance. Use e-range to eliminate token hoarding and free distribution of tokens to non-members. e-range is the best Range Management System available today. Warranted even against lightening strikes!
Eliminate tokens; use wireless PIN numbers to
wireless PIN numbers right on your POS receipt!
#74323 - E-Range 8 - $5,995.00 Ea. #74325 - E-Key - $6.00 Ea.
*** including lightning strikes ***
activate your ball dispenser. POS integration; print
e-range Version #74323
Up to 3 Selection Sizes - 3 Prices
Revalue Customer e-keys
Erase and re-use customer eKeys 1000's of times
Revalue Software (Revalue Station on PC)
View up-to-date customer balances
Void & Replace lost or stolen accounts
Set an expiry date for each individual account
Set % discounts for each customer account
CLUB accounts limit customers to 1 or 2 baskets a day
View up-to-date customer balances
Data carrier to download events from the reader
View & Print Transaction (event) reports
View & Print by customer, type, event...
View & Print Monthly Sales Graphs
View & Print Weekly Sales Graphs
Print up-to-date customer balances
Export reports to your favorite spreadsheet
e-mail reports
Generate a Single-Use PIN to replace tokens
Print Single-Use Customer PIN receipt to replace tokens. *
Print batches of PINs for group or tournament play
Optional Bill Validator Support - accept cash at the dispenser
User friendly for your range customers.
#74247 - 4-Notch Round Token #74248 - 3-Notch Round Token #74249 - 2-Notch Round Token #74250 - Butterfly Token #74251 - Round Token
#74252 - Hexagon Token #74253 - Star Token #74254 - Sunburst Token Price - $.85 Ea.
#74256 - "A" Token
#74257 - "B" Token
#74258 - "C" Token
#74259 - "D" Token
#74260 - "E" Token
#74331 - #3 Medium Brass Token #74332 - #5 Large Brass Token #74333 - #2 Small Silver Token #74334 - #4 Medium Silver Token #74335 - #6 Large Silver Token Price - $.75 Ea.
#74259 #74260
  #74334             #74335
TO ORDER 800-869-1800 or

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