Page 5 - Muskoka Lakes Museum, Proposal from TCI
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think you envisage. Rather, for true ‘transformation’, a complete re-imagining of the institution should take place, involving all aspects of your operation. We have found that 10 fundamental questions are a key starting point in any strategic transformation process for a cultural organization. These are:
1) What is your fundamental strategic purpose, i.e. why do you exist?
2) What do you collect and why – and how does this relate to your fundamental purpose?
3) How you use your collection to tell stories? – and this is where physical layout and artifact display would come in, and considerations relating to exhibits and shows mounted
4) What kinds of programs and services you offer at the museum – which is identifying practices that have the most positive impact on customer experience would come into play
5) What kinds of programs and services you offer online – which of course has become increasingly important during the pandemic, and will continue to be so
6) What partnerships you have with like-minded organizations to extend your reach?
7) What resources you need to have in place to do all of the foregoing? (which gets into
issues of staffing, budget [operating costs, revenue generation], and related aspects)
8) How do you engage the community? (through a membership program, use of volunteers, student interns, etc.)
9) How do you get your message out? How do you use traditional and social media to increase awareness and interest of the museum
10 What governance structures are in place to ensure not only accountability, but also inclusivity, accessibility and representativeness?
These areas of consideration are all clearly mutually interdependent and supporting, and all need to be considered in any kind of transformation strategy. Our proposed work plan for you outlines a program where all of these critical areas will be addressed.
There may be other areas of investigation depending upon the specific of the operation and institution, but we have found that these 10 questions are an excellent set to start the strategic transformation process.
The other point to make here is that if the Museum is thinking of eventual fundraising as an element of the transformation, having a comprehensive strategic plan that addresses the above
5 TCI Management Consultants