Page 42 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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Toronto Aquarium (2008)
TCI participated with The Planning Partnership in an assessment of the feasibility of an aquarium operation at Exhibition Place in Toronto. The project consisted of an initial market assessment to demonstrate the viability of an aquarium operation in the City, and then using this information as part of a tender package to solicit interest from major aquarium operators (e.g. Ripley’s). While considerable interest was expressed, the Board of Governors of Exhibition Place ultimately decided not to proceed with such an operation on the grounds of Exhibition Place. Since the study, however, Ripley’s is proceeding with an operation in Toronto, at the base of the CN Tower.
Calgary Regional Partnership Strategic Plan (2008)
With Millier Dickenson Blais, TCI participated in the development of a strategic economic development plan for the Calgary Regional Partnership, a federation of 15 municipalities centred on the City of Calgary. TCI’s role was to participate in the initial interviews and workshops, as well as to help in the formulation of the plan that was ultimately developed.
Downtown Oakville Strategic Review (2010)
TCI facilitated a series of workshop sessions with residents and stakeholders as part of the development of the Downtown Oakville Strategic Action Plan. A survey of businesses (through the BIA) and residents was also undertaken as part of the work. The results were used to develop a strategic action plan for the Town, which then guided subsequent municipal efforts in the downtown in a variety of ways.
Black Creek Pioneer Village North Campus Master Plan (2011):
TCI worked as part of a team to examine development options for the Black Creek Pioneer Village North Campus area (a piece of land north of Steeles Avenue, adjacent to the current operation of Black Creek Pioneer Village). The concept plans envisaged use by the community as well as certain community colleges for agricultural-related uses (including an extensive community gardens concept). The intention was that programming on the north campus would be more contemporary than that in the pioneer village to the south, but that it would be quite complementary to it. TCI’s role was to examine the market and financial feasibility dimensions of the concept, which is slowly being implemented by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority.
Recent Relevant Experience
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