Page 48 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
P. 48
Recent Relevant Experience
Sheppard West Business Improvement Area (BIA) Strategic Plan (2007)
TCI undertook the development of a strategic plan for the Sheppard East Village BIA. The project involved a review and assessment of the market surrounding the Village, and then detailed personal interviews with key businesses and Board members. Two workshop sessions were held with the Board to develop the plan which was then adopted and implemented.
Powassan Observatory Attraction Study (2004)
With Stan Lawlor & Associates out of North Bay, TCI undertook a feasibility study for an outdoor astronomy observatory on a property outside the built-up area of Powassan in northern Ontario. The availability of guaranteed dark sky free from light pollution was a key feature and attraction of the enterprise. TCI’s role was to identify the market and financial implications of the development. Unfortunately, the study showed that the market for the attraction would not be sufficient to cover the capital and operating costs entailed.
Lake Simcoe Watershed Multi-Use Recreation Study (2012)
With the EDA Collaborative Inc. and Dillon Consulting, TCI participated in a large-scale study of current and expected future recreational patterns in the Lake Simcoe watershed, and their anticipated impact on the quality of the water and land. TCI undertook an inventory of municipal and other recreational initiatives throughout the study area (some 19 municipalities were either wholly or partially in the watershed) and developed projections of anticipated future demand in this regard. Various policy-related recommendations were made relating to regulatory mechanisms, educational activities, municipal policies, and actions that various provincial government ministries, bodies and agencies might undertake in order to effect positive change. The project was spearheaded by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment leading a multi-disciplinary steering group.
© TCI Management Consultants, 2020