Page 2 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
P. 2
99 Crown’s Lane, Toronto, Canada, M5R 3P4 • Fax: (416) 515-1255 • web:
December 16, 2020
Jill Walsh
Town of Three Rivers 25 Queen’s Road Montague, PEI
C0A 1R0
Dear Ms. Walsh,
Re: Three Rivers Arts and Culture Strategy
On behalf of myself, Greg Young, Steven Thorne and Sara Zilke – the TCI team we have assembled for this project - let me express our collective enthusiasm for developing an Arts and Culture Strategy for the Town of Three Rivers.
We are keen to help you realize the arts and culture potential of Three Rivers. Our team is strong. We are confident we can lead a planning process enabling Three Rivers to capitalize on its arts and culture assets and opportunities. Our confidence is born from myriad cultural planning projects we have delivered successfully for communities large and small, urban and rural, across Canada, the United States, and in the Caribbean. And not only have we developed cultural plans for municipalities – we have extensive experience in working with arts and culture organizations themselves: museums, historic sites, art galleries, artist studios, festivals and events, etc., in helping them with strategic planning, feasibility studies and business plans, organization reviews, and the like. In short, we know the culture industry from the bottom up and the top down, and have a strong track record of success in working with a wide variety of clients in the sector.
In addition, each member of our team has worked in cultural planning and program delivery on Prince Edward Island - at the municipal level, and for Tourism PEI. We know the Island, we enjoy the Island, and we welcome the prospect of being of service to you.
Accompanying this cover letter, you will find a proposal that details our entire planning process from inception to completion. (And as stated, this is a proposal – we are quite amenable to discussing it with you to make sure it exactly suits your needs.) We have also included a comprehensive list of our other planning projects, highlighting recent arts and cultural strategies whose scope, challenges, and deliverables bear resemblance to those contained in the Three Rivers Request For Proposals. Our resumes, CVs, and references from previous clients for whom we created arts and culture strategies are appended to the proposal.
TCI Management Consultants