Page 26 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
P. 26
Note on Pricing
We understand from the Zoom meeting held on December 11th that there may be some issues with respect to pricing: that the Town has a certain amount in reserve at the moment, and that if the budget for the preferred consultants were to exceed that amount, the Town would either a) put the amount of the excess into next years’ budget; b) investigate other sources of funding to make up the difference, or c) some combination of a) and b).
We wish to emphasize that, should we be the selected consultant team, but the proposed budget stated here exceeds your current threshold, we would be flexible in terms of dealing with the situation. We would be amenable to changing the schedule of the work to fit the Town’s budget cycle. Or we could work out an arrangement to complete the work according to the schedule proposed here and have a ‘balloon payment’ sometime later in 2021 when the new budget allows. Or we would be amenable to scaling back the work altogether or scaling back into two phases co-incident with your budget cycle.
The bottom line is that we would not wish your current budget parameters to be in any way a barrier to having us undertake this work for you.
We would be very pleased to discuss this with you further should we be your preferred consulting team.
25 TCI Management Consultants