Page 33 - Climate Control News May 2020
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WorldSkills National Championships moved to 2021
THE WORLDSKILLS NATIONAL Champion- ships & Skills Show 2020 has been moved to 2021. It will be held in Perth from Thursday April 29 to Saturday May 1, 2021, with the Closing Cere- mony held on the evening of Sunday, May 2, 2021. The national championships for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians will be held during the ARBS Exhibition in Melbourne from
February 15-17, 2021.
WorldSkills Australia CEO, Trevor Schwenke, said in light of restrictions now in place in response to coronavirus (COVID-19), a decision was made to postpone the national championships which is funded by the Government of Western Australia.
“We are thrilled that we have been able to se- cure alternative event dates with the Perth Con- vention and Exhibition Centre and cannot wait to bring all the excitement and exhilarating compe-
tition of the WorldSkills Australia National Championships to Perth in 2021,” Schwenke said. Further International competitors will now be invited to compete to assist with the final selec- tion process for the 2021 Skillaroos where they will represent Australia at the upcoming 46th
WorldSkills International Championships.
‘’We understand that this decision will be dis- appointing for some of our community, but we also know that this decision is in the best inter- ests of everyone involved in the event and we ap- preciate the understanding and support of our generous WorldSkills community, at this time.
“We look forward to seeing you all face to face at Australia’s largest trades and skills competi- tion in 2021.”
Taking business to the maX with Actrol
ACTROL EXPLAINS HOW customers can use Product Lists to get ahead in business.
Product Lists are a really simple way to group together a list of products and easily access them at any time for quoting or for ordering.
These can be setup using maX on either our website or using the maX app. Below are a few ways you could use Product Lists to help with your business.
1Stop Writing Out The
Same Order Every Time
Take away the time spent writing out repeat or- ders or searching for products every time in maX and set up a product list. For common installs such split systems, condensers or compressor re- placements you can find yourself ordering the same products over and over. With a product list, the entire order takes less than a minute. This pro- cess will also give you confidence you’re ordering the correct products every time without fail.
2Easily manage your stock levels
You may keep your commonly used items stocked in your van or even in your own ware- house. An easy way to manage this stock is with product lists in maX. It becomes a quick and sim- ple way to place orders for products which are low in stock. You will be ordering the correct product with every order and saving time mak- ing phone calls to the branch or searching for products in maX.
3 Confidently quote your customers
For jobs like split system installs, condenser in- stalls or compressor replacements the products you’re quoting can be the same for each custom- er. With product lists you can save time and ef- fort when preparing these quotes. With the cor- rect products, accurate pricing and being able to add in your own line items such as labour, you can send across a professional quote to your cus- tomer within minutes.
Login to MaX to start taking advantage of product lists for your business. Chat with your local Actrol branch manager to learn more.
Actrol has made it easy for customers to select products.
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