Page 54 - Climate Control News May 2020
P. 54

      Global leader in R&D, IP-related activities
IP activities are being accelerated globally with patents being filed proactively in the U.S., Europe, China and Southeast Asia.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION has ranked second globally and first among Japanese firms in terms of international patent applica- tions filed in 2019.
According to the Switzerland-based World Intellectual Property Or- ganization (WIPO), the high rankings reflect Mitsubishi Electric’s posi- tioning of intellectual property (IP) as an important business resource and its aggressive linkage of IP activities and business and R&D strate- gies to support the company’s sustainable growth.
Mitsubishi Electric has been actively filing international patent ap- plications in line with the continuing globalization of its business, ranking among the top 10 internationally for the past six consecutive years and first among Japanese companies for five consecutive years. In recent years, the company’s patent applications in support of
IoT- and AI-supported solutions have been particularly prominent. Mitsubishi Electric’s IP and technical-standards strategies are closely integrated with the company’s business and R&D strategies. For example, the Head Office IP Division, which is under the direct control of the president, coordinates group-wide activities of IP divi-
sions in factories, R&D centres and affiliated companies.
Critical IP-related initiatives are formulated to support mainstay
businesses and important R&D projects.
In a statement, Mitsubishi Electric said IP activities are being acceler-
ated globally by filing patents proactively, prior to undertaking business development in promising emerging countries.
Resident officers are assigned to manage IP activities in the U.S., Eu- rope, China and Southeast Asia.
The company is emphasizing patent acquisition in support of interna- tional standards (e.g. standard essential patents) and in fields where in- ternational competition is intensifying, which is helping to strengthen product competitiveness and grow market share.
Huge range to suit every commercial application
AUSTRALIA’S LEADING COMMERCIAL air conditioning supplier, Klima Australia, has an extensive product range to suit every application.
Klima Australia is the local distributor of Midea Commercial Air Conditioning, the world’s largest HVAC equipment provider, as well as leading European manufacturer, Clivet Spa and Boreas Air Handling Systems.
This represents an extensive range of products including water cooled AHRI & Eurovent certi- fied chillers. These range from Centrifugal Di- rect Drive to Screw Chillers for all large commer- cial and industrial applications.
All chillers are available with VFD control and come with the Midea patented Full Falling Film technology as standard. Chillers are also availa- ble with R1234ze refrigerant.
Falling Film technology offers superior perfor- mance and a non-flooded evaporator. This leads to as much as a 40% reduction in refrigerant charge and a 15% improvement in oil return effi- ciency over traditional chillers.
Midea chillers offer warranty unrivalled in Australia. All Midea chillers have a standard 24 month warranty and for compressors a 30 month warranty applies from delivery to commission- ing prior to commencing the warranty period.
Klima Australia can provide its customers with the largest range of DX and Roof Top pack- aged systems available globally. Our range in ca- pacities allows us to explore all your HVAC needs and to deliver both a technical and energy efficient solution.
Moreover, Klima boasts the largest range of Heat Recovery and Full Fresh Air package units available globally. We can provide unrivalled ERP performance using our Thermodynamic Heat Recovery technology. Finally, our VRF sys- tems provide superior energy efficiency and a so- lution to space constraints on installation.
Finally, our air handling systems range from modular systems with Rotary Heat Wheels, heating coils with steam and heating water and
energy recovery AHU’s for more complex ap- plications. Of course this is all in addi- tion to our DX split systems, fan coil units, control systems and data
centre cooling solutions.
All chillers are available with VFD control and
come with Midea patented Full Falling Film technology as standard.

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