Page 37 - Climate Control News magazine April 2023
P. 37

                Building Services
  Make energy wise decisions
BUILDING SERVICES COMPANY Caverion has formed an international partnership with Swedish firm ClimaCheck.
Caverion’s existing refrigeration automation solution will utilise ClimaCheck’s cloud tech- nology to analyse data and to improve energy efficiency for Caverion’s customers.
It is already being used, for example, in
dozens of retail stores, warehouses and logis- tic centres.
Caverion head of services, Kari Sundback, said saving energy and making energy-wise decisions is a key priority for its customer base.
“With the help of ClimaCheck, we can offer our customers verified, detailed analysis and fact- based advice for optimal performance of the
refrigeration equipment,” he said.
ClimaCheck’s solution
will also measure efficien-
cies and the coefficient of
performance (COP) for the
refrigerator system.
Customers can utilise
these ClimaCheck verified
analysis results to guide their decision making and to reach energy savings and their climate goals.
ClimaCheck CEO, Niklas Berglöf, said ClimaCheck analyses the data gathered by Caverion's automation technology to perform the verification without requiring additional components or site visits.
LEFT: ClimaCheck’s solution will also measure the coefficient of performance (COP) for the refrigerator system.
ABOVE: Caverion head of services, Kari Sundback.
   Reset air quality in your building
RESET AIR IS a sensor based and performance- driven indoor air quality standard and certifica- tion programme that aims to make indoor environmental health measurable, deliverable, and accessible.
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is continuously changing and not obviously detected by human senses. IAQ changes throughout the life of a building on a daily and hourly basis through the HVAC system, occupant activity and a changing environment. And even though the impacts of indoor air quality on health, wellbeing and productivity are understood and can be significant, a deterioration of IAQ is often undetected.
RESET collects data via constant monitoring and cloud technology and requires the meas- ured data to be displayed to the occupants. It therefore provides actionable data and helps protect the health of the occupants in real time.
RESET Air certification provides a tangible return on investment for offices and property owners. For offices, RESET Air not only enables healthier spaces, but also more productive spaces. For property owners, RESET Air empow- ers the communication of healthier, more pro- ductive buildings to prospective tenants.
IAQ sensors are not new but RESET sets a new standard. In very broad terms, a standard is an agreed way of doing something. It provides a set of rules and framework to ensure that
minimum safety and/or performance require- ments are met.
In the context of indoor air quality, it ensures that the collected data is relevant and robust and relia- ble. This allows building mangers to compare spaces within a building or whole buildings. Tenants can use the data to compare different offices and monitor trends over time.
The standard takes care of the IAQ monitors installation, calibration as well the reporting methodology such as how the data is collected and saved in the cloud. It then gets processed and made available via an API. RESET therefore pro- vides an independent quality control of the effec- tiveness of the passive or mechanical HVAC system in terms of fresh air management and filtration. The collected data can be used by other systems, like a HVAC con-
troller, but the control meth- odology itself is not part of the RESET.
ebm-papst has an experi- enced team of digital busi- ness innovators. These are technology professionals experienced in cloud, data analytics, hardware and App
RIGHT: IAQ changes on a daily and hourly basis.
development; they think and live digitally. We help our customers along every step of the process to achieve RESET certification:
• The local ebm-papst team consists of RESET
accredited professionals, expert advisors trained in RESET Standards to guide RESET Projects.
• The ebm-papst IAQ Monitor is RESET certi- fied to meet the highest quality standards of reliable real time information.
• ebm-papst provides a scalable, plug and play multi-purpose Cloud IoT platform and is a RESET accredited data provider to assist with continuous monitoring.
• Our highly skilled solution delivery team takes responsibility for on-site installation and inte- gration until the project is up and running. ✺
APRIL 2023

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