Page 48 - Print 21 Sep-Oct 2019
P. 48
Media Super boosting industry
Media Super is an integral part of the Print & Visual Communication Association National Print Awards – and here’s how.
There are two awards in the Print & Visual Communication Association NPA programme that have
enormous prestige: the Media Super Young Executive award, and the Media Super Industry Lifetime Achievement award.
The Media Super Young Executive award recognises and rewards one exemplary young employee who has shown exceptional promise as an executive in the print, packaging, design and the visual communication sector. The Media Super Industry Lifetime Achievement award recognises significant contribution to the industry over an entire career which has achieved success and longevity in the industry, introduced innovative practices, demonstrated industry leadership through active participation with the Printing Industries Association of Australia (now known as the Print & Visual Communication Association), and earned the respect of peers.
Media Super was delighted to sponsor these awards again in 2019. Gerard Noonan, chairman of Media Super, presented both awards at the glittering PVCA NPA dinner held on 15 August in Sydney.
These awards, together, honour print’s history and embrace the future. This is the same spirit
with which the Print & Visual Communication Association evolved its name, on the same day as the National Print Awards.
Stephen Penfold, founder of Kwik Kopy Australia, was recognised with the Media Super Industry Lifetime Achievement award.
In the 34 years since Stephen and his wife Barbara purchased the Kwik Kopy franchise rights
for Australia, more than 300 franchisees have joined them. Alongside his own success Stephen has personally contributed to
the prosperity of many of these dedicated entrepreneurs.
The winner of the Media Super Young Executive Award was Christina Condos from Label House in Victoria.
Christina started with Label House in 2015, moving into sales two years later, quickly becoming an innovative salesperson, now describing herself as a label geek. Label House speaks highly of
her thirst for knowledge and her approach of taking on challenges head on. She creates lasting relationships with her customers, and is considered by many clients to be a strategic resource.
Media Super supports and celebrates excellence, and it is this shared passion for excellence that sees it partnering with the PVCA to deliver the National Print Awards.
Media Super is the super fund of choice in the creative sector, showing strong performance over the last
12 months, finishing the year with
a stellar performance. Its Balanced (MySuper) option finished in third place out of all Australian super funds with a return of 8.76 per cent.
There are other pre-mixed investment options in the Media Super range that have delivered strong results and are performing well for members, with the Stable option ranked second, Growth Option ranked third, and High Growth ranked
tenth for the year. These results for members speak for themselves.
Executives from Media Super will be at Print2Parliament! in Canberra on 23 October supporting the industry and the PVCA in this crucial lobbying event, and where all gold medal winners from the National Print Awards will be displayed in the Mural Hall at Parliament House.
Andrew Macaulay, CEO at PVCA says, “At PVCA we are thrilled to partner with Media Super in the National Print Awards, and look forward a strengthening of the relationship and many more years of partnership in service to the print, packaging, design and visual communications industry.” 21
Above Media Super Young Executive Award winner Christina Condos from Label House, with (l-r) Gerard Noonan, Walter Kuhn and Andrew Macaulay.
Left Stephen Penfold (second right), founder of Kwik Kopy Australia, winner of the Media Super Industry Lifetime Achievement award, pictured with (l-r) Andrew Macaulay, Gerard Noonan, and Walter Kuhn.