Page 12 - Climate Control News July 2019
P. 12

World News
energy source
WASTE HEAT FROM towns and cities is a huge untapped energy source in Europe.
The Life4HeatRecovery project will look at ways to use it to heat homes and supply hot water.
The average mid-sized supermarket in Eu- rope produces enough waste heat from its refrigeration and air conditioning units in one year to be able to provide the thermal en- ergy needs of 200 homes over the same peri- od, according to Roberto Fedrizzi of EURAC Research, which coordinates the Life4He- atRecovery project.
“It’s not just our supermarkets producing this kind of waste – there are data centres, factories, hospitals, offices and many other buildings and institutions in towns and cit- ies all over Europe producing this energy as a by-product of their ac-
tivities, all too often
just wasted into the at-
mosphere,” he said.
is an EU LIFE funded
project looking to use
wasted energy recov-
ered from different
sources and apply it to
district heating sys- Life4HeatRecovery tems. To do this effi- project.
ciently, the project is developing complete, pre-fabricated “skids” which collect the waste energy using heat pumps.
“The heat pumps are used in two ways. The low-temperature waste heat can be warmed to a level that is useful for district heating,” Fedrizzi said.
“This is done by connecting a heat pump to this waste source which increases the temperature of the available heat from around 10-30oC to 70-80oC. This is then connected to the district heating system and the heat is made available for tradition- al district heating networks. The other pos- sibility, however, is for a new generation of district heating networks. These directly distribute the waste heat through the net- work: this heats the water in the network to around 10-20oC and this low-temperature water is distributed to the door of the build- ings on the network.”
At the moment, the project is working at four demo sites. ✺
Roberto Fedrezzi is coordinating the
Transcritical solution for Italian supermarket
MAXI DI’S GOAL was to create an environ- mentally-sustainable system, using a zero-im- pact gas. Arneg partnered with Carel to create a tailor-made solution that features modulating ejector technology.
The medium-sized store (2,300 square me- tres) has an Arneg Booster transcritical com- pressor rack that uses CO2, carbon dioxide, as the refrigerant.
Equipped with eight compressors, Carel elec- tronics and ejectors Arneg has supplied more than 50 refrigerated cabinets - 44 medium tem- perature and 13 low temperature.
All the cabinets are equipped with Carel’s MPX PRO, the compact and flexible controller that effectively combines ease-of-use, stable control and energy savings.
The CO2 compressor rack is controlled by the pRack pR300T, three Carel EmJ modulating ejectors, with a total capacity of 185 kW.
With the compressor rack operation in ejector mode the integrated solution can reduce the cabinet superheat set point down to 0.5°K.
In this way, the evaporators work in a semi- flooded mode with a higher pressure set point, optimising compressor rack operation
and reducing the energy consump-
tion of the entire system. This solution brings ener-
gy savings during the sum-
mer of up to of 25%, when
the outdoor temperature is
higher, but also in winter, via the heat recovery system that provides heating inside the building.
One essential feature of the ejector solu- tion is continuous modulation which allows the system to continuously adapt to the var- iations in operating conditions that are typi- cal of refrigeration systems.
The entire system is supervised by Arneg ser- vice through its IRIS Energy control centre, opti- mising performance and ensuring there is no wastage thanks to the Carel boss supervisor, which also provides predictive maintenance.
Arneg's refrigeration engineering director, Enri- co Zambotto, said Arneg has been working with Carel for many years.
“Technological innovation has allowed us over time to offer increasingly efficient and environ- mentally-friendly solutions, just like the one at the Famila supermarket,” he said.
“Now we are using ejectors in other installa- tions and always using natural refrigerants at numerous stores in Italy”.
ABOVE: The Arneg Booster transcritical compressor rack that uses CO2, carbon dioxide, as the refrigerant.
BELOW: Three Carel EmJ modulating ejectors are part of the solution.

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