Page 20 - Defence Industry Guide #57
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ADM’s Defence Industry Guide 2023 | Edition 57 |
 KONGSBERG Defence Australia has an- nounced a significant investment in a dedicated facility, located in Mawson Lakes, to assist in the delivery and support of existing and future Defence acquisition programs.
Kongsberg Defence Australia is a lo- cal subsidiary of the Norwegian com- pany Kongsberg Defence and Aero- space. Kongsberg Defence Australia supports Kongsberg Defence and Aero- space with the local manufacture, as- sembly, integration and test of the C4 system for the National Advanced Sur- face to Air Missile System (NASAMS) capability, which is currently under production for the Australian Army through Raytheon Australia.
Kongsberg Defence Australia is also under contract with Hanwha Defense Australia as its C4 software integra- tion partner under Land 8116 Phase 1. Under this contract, Kongsberg Defence Australia will integrate the Protected Mobile Fires capability into the Army’s C4 Force Structure. This involves the provision of the CORTEX Integrated Combat Solution (ICS) ar- chitecture and Fire Control System, and integration of tactical communi- cation systems and Battle Manage- ment Systems.
Most recently, in April 2022, the Commonwealth announced the ac-
celerated acquisition of the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile to replace Har- poon on both of the Royal Australian Navy’s Anzac Class Frigates and Ho- bart Class Destroyers under Sea 1300. This project will see this fifth genera- tion precision strike missile enter ser- vice with the Navy from 2024.
The new 2500 sqm facility will be lo- cated in South Australia’s Technology Park – a business hub currently home to many global Defence and technol- ogy companies. It will support a range of activities including hardware man- ufacture, assembly, integration, test, verification, and maintenance, as well as software development and support.
“With current activities and future growth opportunities, this significant investment in a new facility in Maw- son Lakes is an important demonstra- tion of our long‐term commitment to Australia and the region. This facility is the first in the Asia‐Pacific region for Kongsberg’s Defence business and will create more than 50 highly‐ skilled jobs, all supporting capabil- ity delivery to the Australian Defence Force,” John Fry, Kongsberg Defence Australia’s General Manager said.
Kongsberg Defence Australia is part- nering with local Adelaide company, Parkside‐based Section Six Architects, for the design phase of the facility and
ABOVE: The new 2500 sqm facility will be located in South Australia’s Technology Park.
has just completed an Early Contrac- tor Involvement phase to select a local South Australian construction compa- ny for the construction of the Mawson Lakes Facility.
Facility construction will com- mence in January 2023 with plans for the facility to be fully occupied and operational by early 2024.
According to Kongsberg, the Maw- son Lakes Facility will achieve a gold accreditation under the world-re- nowned LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) system.
“South Australia’s reputation for be- ing known as the country’s Defence State will be further boosted by the investment being made in Mawson Lakes by Norwegian defence and technology company, Kongsberg,” Su- san Close, Deputy Premier of South Australia, said.
“Their first Defence facility within the Asia‐Pacific region will provide South Australians with skilled jobs that contribute to Australia’s Defence Force and will also bring opportuni- ties for collaboration and partnerships within their global supply chain.”

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