Page 20 - Defence Suppliers Directory #50
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Users’ Guide: Print & Online
Finding a Supplier
ADM’s Directory of Defence Suppliers, now in its 49th edition, is a comprehensive and widely-used guide designed to help you identify experienced Defence contractors and suppliers at all levels of Defence business, including:
• Prime Contractors
• Consultants & Project Managers
• Sub-Contractors and SMEs with specialist capabilities
• Information Technology Specialists
• Base Support Contractors and sub contractors
• Spares & Maintenance suppliers
The Directory is designed to help you find specific and detailed information about suppliers and their capabilities. While you may already be familiar with many of the companies listed, the directory is designed to make it easy for users to understand the specific capabilities of a wide range of suppliers of specialised capability and specific products and services. This can be particularly helpful where you are seeking alternative sources of supply or to test the market.
Capabilities also include brands which suppliers represent. This is also searchable online in the capability or item required field.
Using the Directory
To use this directory, you should refer to the appropriate index to locate either a specific company or to locate a supplier of specific goods or services via the product and service category index, pages indicated as follows:
n Page 46 Supplier Index
To find contact and address details for a particular contractor, refer to the Supplier Index of companies.
n Page 50 International Index
To source a local supplier of an international manufacturer, please refer to this index.
n Page 60 Product and Service Category Index To source a contractor for a particular item or service, for example, Batteries, simply refer to the Category Index.
n Page 70 Brand Index
To source a local supplier of a specific brand, please refer to this index.
You can access all the supplier listings in this directory online at:
How to search the directory online: The easy search function on the homepage enables you to do search- es based on a wide range of search parameters, for example, company name, state, capability, item or product, international company, contact name. Just enter what you need in the appropriate field and hit your ‘enter’ key.
For all membership enquiries, for both ADM and the Directory of Defence Suppliers, please contact Martin Philpott on 1800 807 760
PAGE 20 ADM’s Directory of Defence Suppliers 2019 | Edition 50 |

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