P. 1

Know the activity

                                    Match up the vocabularies and the definition
                                       Pasangkan vocab dan definisi dibawah ini

                                                                 dengan tepat

        1. You do this when your alarm clock goes off in

                                                                                                                     a. take a bath
           the morning.   (      )

       2.  You do this to make your body and hair clean .                                                     b. have a breakfast

           (    ).                                                                                                      c. woke up

       3.  You do this so you can meet your friends and
                                                                                                                  d. do homework
           learn new things. (     )
                                                                                                                    e. go to school
       4.  You do this in the afternoon when your

           classes at school have finished. (   )

       5.  You do this after school because your

           teacher will get angry if you don't.  (   )

                                                                                               Created by Miss Dilla
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