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          Volume 18 • Issue 4 • $5.00                 October 2021

                                             OUR 18TH YEAR SERVING THE HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY!

                                                     Steward Health Care Names

                                               Marisela Marrero, MD, as Regional

                                                      President for South Florida

                                                           BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                               In September, Steward Health Care named Marisela
                                             Marrero, M.D., as its first Regional President for the
                                             South Florida Region. In her new role, Dr. Marrero over-
                                             sees the five hospitals Steward acquired from Tenet
                                             Healthcare Corporation last month, including North
                 Francis Afram-Gyening       Shore Medical Center, Coral Gables Hospital, Hialeah                             Dr.  Arthur E. Palamara
                                             Hospital, Palmetto General Hospital in Miami-Dade
          Camillus Health                    County, and Florida Medical Center in Broward County.                         Dante’s 10th
                                               “The opportunity to become market president was a
                                             pivotal one, because it allows me to instill positive                         Circle of Hell
                 Concern                     change in a community that I personally love and have
                                             ties to,” she says.                                 Dr. Marisela Marrero
               Receives 5                    respond to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, as well as to expand high-quality,   BY ARTHUR E. PALAMARA, MD, FACS
                                               Dr. Marrero will also lead the hospitals’ efforts to

                                                                                                                        In March or April, 1300, as he wan-
           CHQR Badges                       physician-led healthcare to the diverse communities of South Florida.    dered through the underworld, Dante
                                               “My primary challenge has been the resurgence of COVID-19,” she says. "Hence,
                                             we are joining forces with all of the stakeholders in our community in an effort to   finds himself in a dark woods. Losing his
                                             educate the public on the importance of vaccination.”                    way, he has to face monsters from classi-
                 BY LOIS THOMSON               In addition to her regional role, Dr. Marrero has served as the new President of   cal mythology. As he wandered further
                                             Hialeah Hospital since August.                                           into the underworld, he faces leopards,
          "We strive to keep our quality top-  Prior to coming to Steward, Dr. Marrero, a Harvard-trained, board certified emer-  wolves, and a lion. He is driven back into
        notch," said Francis Afram-Gyening, CEO   gency room physician, was clinically practicing as an ED physician at North Shore   a dark place into which the sun does not
        of Camillus Health Concern. CHC is a   Medical Center, which included Salem Hospital in Salem, MA and Union Hospital in   enter. Dante meets his guide, Virgil, the
        community health center whose purpose   Lynn MA. Both hospitals were part of Partners Healthcare which is now known as   Latin epic poet who will lead him out.
        is to help people experiencing homeless-                                                                      Dante hesitates. Virgil explains that he was
        ness and indigent people with health care                                                 Continued on page 13  sent by Beatrice, the symbol of divine love,
        services, and the organization was recent-                                                                    Santa Lucia, the symbol of Grace, and
        ly awarded five Community Health      Oncology... Oncology... Oncology... Oncology...                         Rachel, the symbol of contemplative life.
        Quality Recognition (CHQR) badges.                                                                              Dante then passes through the gates of
        There are 1,400 community health centers                                                                      hell which bears the inscription “aban-
        in the nation, and the badges recognize   Mammograms and Breast Cancer                                        don hope, ye who enter here.” Dante and
        health center programs that have made                                                                         his guide Virgil, hear the anguished
        notable quality improvement achieve-                Screenings Save Lives                                     screams of the uncommitted, the oppor-
        ments in the areas of access, quality, health                                                                 tunists–who were out only for them-
        equity, and health information technology.                                                                    selves, and the cowards. These miscre-
          The five badges CHC received were:              BY ALIA ABDULLA, DO                                         ants wander around naked in pursuit of
          (1) Health Center Quality Leader,                                                                           their own ever-changing self-interest.
        which recognizes health centers that   Breast cancer remains the most common cancer diag-                       Dante wrote this epic poem to describe
        improve quality of care and achieve best   nosis for women after non-melanoma skin cancer, and it             the punishment for sins, immorality, and
        overall clinical quality measure perform-  continues to be the second leading cause of cancer death           transgression of the people and politicians
        ance. CHC was within the top 10%.    in the United States. According to a 2021 study by the                   of 14th Century Florence. While no one
          (2) Access Enhancer, which recognizes   American Cancer Society it is estimated that more than              would suggest that COVID-19 is a result of
        health centers that increase the total num-  281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 49,290           moral turpitude, what doctors and nurses
        ber of patients they serve who receive at   new cases of non-invasive breast cancer will be diag-             face daily, is no less traumatic.
        least one comprehensive service (e.g.,   nosed in women in the U.S.                                             Walking into the ICU corridor, one is
        mental health, vision, dental) by at least   These numbers are likely to be even higher as many               confronted with an imposing series of
        5%. CHC showed an increase of nearly   women have delayed regular healthcare screenings due                   long, shiny, aluminum vent pipes that
        6%.                                  to the pandemic. A National Institute of Health study   Dr. Alia Abdulla  appear more suited to a factory than a
          (3) Health Disparities Reducer, which   shows an alarming decline of nearly 60% in mammogram                hospital. They are intended to carry
        recognizes centers that meet or exceed   screenings last year. As a physician, I am concerned that            aerosolized viral particles to the outside
        goals in the areas of low birth weight,   prolonged delays in screenings will lead to a surge in later-stage cancer diagnosis.    where they will be diluted and neutral-
        hypertension, or uncontrolled diabetes for   During Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, women should educate them-  ized by the sun. The pipes are immediate-
        at least one minority group, and demon-  selves and understand what to expect in breast health. There is no question that early   ly discordant and jarring, although, after
        strate at least a 10% improvement in those   detection, whether it’s breast cancer or other cancers, saves lives. We all must be in   a while, one becomes oblivious to them.
        areas. CHC was one of 98 centers to   tune with our own bodies.                                                 The doors of the individual units are
        achieve this, meaning it was in the top 1%                                                                    closed, on which signs are hung that pro-
                         Continued on page 10                                                      Continued on page 14                 Continued on page 8
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