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Q&A:                                                     CannabisNews                                                                           PRSRT STD
Ann-Lynn Denker,                                                                                                         U.S. Postage
PhD., ARNP,                                              Physician Input
Chief Clinical                                           Needed as State’s                                                                         PAID
Officer of Plaza                                         Medical Marijuana                                                                 West Palm Beach, FL
Health Network                                           Industry Gets
                                                         Underway page 39                                                                     Permit #4595
page 34

Volume 13 • Issue 3• $5.00  September 2016


                                                         E D U C AT I O N                                                                  ADDICTION

                                              FIU Reactivates MHSA Program in
                                                Health Services Administration

                                                         BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                              Adegree in health services administration can help
                                                      you open doors to positions within the healthcare
                                                      sector as well as help others reach for higher levels
                                              of employment. The Health Services Administration

                   Rema Deo                   Program at Florida International University (FIU) offers a

   Security and                               contemporary plan of study for students wishing to pur-

    Privacy for                               sue careers in health services administration.

  Telemedicine                                Students can earn both an undergraduate and graduate                                                          Dr. Christopher
                                                                                                                                                        La Tourette La Riche
               BY REMA DEO                    degree in health services administration. These degrees
                                                                                                                                              'Addiction Is
Telemedicine is taking the medical            will academically prepare graduates to qualify for posi-
        world by storm. And one can eas-                                                                                                       Never Just
        ily see why. Telemedicine, the        tions in management and leadership within a healthcare
remote diagnosis and treatment of                                                                                                              Addiction'
patients by means of telecommunica-           organization up to and including executive positions such      Sal Barbera
tions technology, allows healthcare pro-      as a CEO.                                                                                                BY LOIS THOMSON
fessionals to provide services in ways not
known before in traditional medical           The undergraduate program (BHSA) is designed to pre-                                           "Addiction is never just addiction; it's
appointments.                                                                                                                              addiction plus something else. And I
                                              pare students to enter a health care organization and pursue a middle-management             think we're really good at figuring out
   While telemedicine may not be per-                                                                                                      the 'something else'." That's how Dr.
fect, it enhances efficiency and produc-      level position providing oversight and management. The BHSA degree will also pre-            Christopher La Tourette La Riche
tivity of medical treatments by not only                                                                                                   describes the work he does when helping
making information available to patients      pare a student to continue their education and enroll in a graduate program in health        patients at Lucida Treatment Center.
electronically, it also offers multiple
options for a quicker contact with            services.                                                                                      Dr. La Riche said about his work, "We
patients rather than bringing them in for                                                                                                  treat addictive disorders and substance
a traditional consultation or follow-up,      The newly reactivated MHSA program will enroll its first cohort in the Fall 2016             abuse disorders – although the word
resulting in increased convenience and                                                                                                     'abuse' isn't used anymore, because that
reduced costs. Patients in remote areas       semester and will provide students with a state-of-the-art academic plan focused and         was quite stigmatizing. So we started
could get access to specialists without                                                                                                    using the term 'substance use' disorders."
traveling to see them for each appoint-                                                                      Continued on page 16          Dr. La Riche explained that addictive dis-
ment. Remote patient monitoring                                                                                                            orders "cause chronic changes in brain
becomes a lot easier with telemedicine        REAL ESTATE, CONSTRUCTION                                                                    circuits leading to the pathological pur-
technology. Consultation between spe-                                                                                                      suit of reward (by using substances),
cialists is also facilitated with telemedi-   Construction Legends Partner                                                                 despite the hazardous consequences." In
cine, thereby improving overall patient                                                                                                    other words, people continue to do
care. The Virtual Doctor is here to stay!               to Create NV2A Group                                                               something that initially gives them pleas-
                                                                                                                                           ure, even though they know the consid-
   This is all possible due to advances in                                                  BY VANESSA ORR                                 erable risks that are involved.
technology. But where there is technolo-
gy, there needs to be security, privacy and       Agustin Arellano, Sr. is well-known in health care con-                                    He gave an example of a physician
control. With cybercrime and medical                                        struction circles; more than 40 years ago, he started          who did lines of cocaine in between see-
identity theft rising at an alarming rate,                                  his own company at the age of 26, where he special-            ing patients, arguing that it didn't affect
telemedicine channels, data and equip-                                    ized in health care and higher education facilities              his work; but he eventually got caught
ment are just as vulnerable or even more                                    including projects for Baptist Health, the University          and lost his license. "The hazardous con-
vulnerable than traditional treatment                                        of Miami, Jackson Memorial, HCA, Mt. Sinai, and               sequences are so clear in someone so
channels, and therefore must be secure.                                       many others. After selling his company to con-               obviously intelligent, and yet they con-
                                                                               struction giant OHL in 2008 to create OHL-                  tinue to do it. They have a pathological
                        Continued on page 15                                     Arellano Construction Co., he stayed on as pres-          pursuit – and we all have the same reac-
                                                                                  ident and then chairman, but decided about               tion: How could you be so foolish? How
                                                                                    three months ago that something was missing.
                                                                                       “Talking with my son, Agustin Jr., who was                                   Continued on page 31
                                                                                    the company’s CFO, we realized that we just
                                                                                    had more fun when we were partners in our
                                                                                    own company,” he explained. “It was in the
                                                                                    back of our minds to start a new company
                                                                                   when we were approached by two gentlemen
                                                                                   who ran two of the largest construction compa-
                                                                                  nies in Florida - Gilberto Neves and Jesus
                                                                                 Vazquez - and they suggested that we start a
                                                                                                                     Continued on page 28

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