Page 27 - Crabiel Funeral Homes Guide
P. 27
• date of birth
• Place of birth
• level of education
• if served in the military: years of service
and a copy of the discharge papers
• employment history, position held,
nature of industry and place of
• if in ground burial or entombment, the
cemetery and the deed if available
• if open casket viewing is anticipated,
clothing and a recent picture
What should I do when a death occurs?
Whether sudden or anticipated, call your funeral home of choice. a funeral director is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. They will guide according to your individual situation.
Can your funeral home conduct a funeral service in another location?
Yes. Many funeral homes will allow another funeral director access to their facilities for the convenience of serving the family.
What if a death occurs in another state/ town?
upon notification of the death, call your local funeral home of choice. Your funeral director will be able to make the necessary arrangements to transfer the deceased from the place of death to the local funeral home’s care. This relieves the family of the stress and financial burden of dealing with multiple funeral homes. Your funeral director can and will coordinate everything for you.
Why are public viewings important?
Viewing the deceased allows family and friends to begin the process of acceptance. Seeing the deceased does not increase the pain, on the contrary, in most cases it actually minimizes the disbelief, fantasies and often distorted images that are present when death occurs. grief counselors recognize the importance of the funeral and the viewing of the deceased in facilitating the acceptance of a death. in the opinion of many grief professionals, families that are deprived of the opportunity to memorialize and visualize the deceased have more of a difficult time with grief and the grieving process.