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Our Beginnings
The Popiolek Funeral Home is a descendant of the Rilatt Funeral Home, which originated in Camden City, NJ in the early 1930’s by Paul Rilatt, Sr. In 1954, Paul’s wife Dorothy, became the first woman to earn her funeral directors license in the state of New Jersey.
In 1966, Paul Rilatt, Jr., expanded his father’s funeral home to Barrington, NJ where he offered dignified, caring service for over 20 years. Paul, Jr. retired in 1986 and sold the business to Thomas G. Metts, a native of Haddonfield, NJ.
Tom Metts continued the tradition of compassionate service that Rilatt established. In 1992 the funeral home underwent major renovations that not only modernized the facility but made it one of the most beautiful properties in Barrington.
In 1997, Tom Metts relocated out of the area and sold the funeral home to the Davis family of Woodbury, NJ. Frederick Davis and his son Erick operated the funeral home until 2003.
The current owner, Kirk A. Popiolek purchased the business from the Davis family in March of 2003. Kirk and his wife Rebecca have established roots in the community and are committed to serving the needs of the residents of Barrington and surrounding towns.
Having a strong sense of values, Kirk believes in offering affordable, caring and professional service. The Popiolek Funeral Home is dedicated to caring for families as our own.
1970 Watercolor painting by George Jackson, Jr.
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