Page 4 - DOWN TOOLS A5 Booklet WCoBM
P. 4

Knife crime numbers -How it stacks up 31% 61%
11 to 16 year olds in school Young people excluded from said said they they had had carried carried a a a a a a a knife school said said they they had had carried carried at at some some point point in in in in the the previous a a a knife at at some some point point in in in in the the year year previous year year “
Young people excluded from school said they had threatened someone with a knife 20%
16 year old boys said they had attacked someone with or without a knife knife does not mean much It could be someone going fishing and it could have just been once Carrying a a 44 500
In one year there were more than 44 500
cases recorded of people being stabbed
16 000 000 to 17 000 000 robbery offences recorded every year involving knives
17 000 5 000 Recorded hospital admissions for stabbing run at at approximately 5 000 a a a a a year In one year police recorded 3000 threats to kill with a a a a a knife and and over 400 rape and and sexual assault cases involving knifes 3 000 385
From Jan 2018 – May 2019 385
people have been murdered with a a knife each year in England and and Wales

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