Page 2 - GlobeStarNAVIGATOR_Spring 2014
P. 2
Volume 8, Spring Issue
Gr wing together...
continued from p. 1 As we walk
Globe Star has worked for years
with one with local and statewide groups,
community engagement and a another on this journey, Gentle
schools and agencies, but began
culture of hope, as one might Teaching offers a perspective of formalizing and expanding their
anticipate the season of spring care and possibilities for living training program in the past 18
and its expected surge of that create ‘the mutual change months, to include groups and
growing and blossoming.
process’ that McGee talks about, agencies outside of Indiana and
leading to companionship and the U.S.
community, regenerating lives
This expansion of Globe Star
and creating a culture of
services for small teams and
larger agencies, works online and
Community outreach is an onsite to develop customized
inevitable, natural development training sessions, workshops and
of Globe Star’s year-round materials, opening up
cultivation of growing together possibilities and offering
and building community, and concrete steps for engaging the
Every season of the journey is 2014 continues with great framework and integrating the
practice of Gentle Teaching from
woven through the framework,
an organizational level.
implementing our tools (hands,
Winter began with Globe Star
eyes, words, presence) that
Director, Dr. Anthony M. Engaging in local dialogue
cultivate the interconnecting
McCrovitz, spending a week continues to develop awareness
fibers with trust, creating new
moral memories of self and doing onsite training for an of Gentle Teaching and its
agency in the Baltimore area, The mutual benefits of growth and
belonging, companionship and
Providence Center, that provides development, as well as
community. The processes of
services and training to meet the contributing to a just society.
growing and developing create
growing needs of approximately
folds in the social fabric. We
500 individuals. This opportunity Dr. McCrovitz spoke on behalf of
begin to blossom, awakening to
grew from the agency’s initial the Down Syndrome Association
who we are and to what holds of Northwest Indiana early in the
interest in creating a culture of
meaning for our lives, year, and presented a workshop
gentleness for their community,
developing perspective and exploring ‘What can we do to
experiential learning from the and Globe Star’s consulting with
them over the span of a year to create an opportunity for a child
questioning and observing that
identify the areas of need and to to learn and grow?’
continually raises the bar on the
develop a personalized plan with
growth chart: What are those Three areas were discussed to
them for creating a culture of
things that make one feel safe help address the ongoing
gentleness. We are grateful for
and loved? How am I creating an dilemma parents face of how to
this collaborative learning
atmosphere for inviting this teach a child and how to choose
relationship with The Providence
person into dialogue? How can I from a variety of models. First,
Center that continues to grow
become more open to cultural laying the foundation of healthy
and develop a culture of
(continued on p.5 )