Page 16 - NJC University Placement 2022-23 Updated
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The Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded to the student who attains the highest academic standing in the full year pre-university Grade 12 program and graduates with the OSSD.
The Principal’s Academic Medal is awarded to the student who attains the highest overall academic standing in the full year pre-university program and completes the NJC International Diploma.
The Leonard Wilde Award, named after the founder of the College, is awarded to the student who has contributed the most to the life and spirit of NJC and who reflects the academic and international objectives established by Mr. Wilde. The winner of this highest award is selected by faculty and students.
Students graduating with an overall average of 80% or higher in six Grade 12 courses are nominated for the Ontario Scholar Award.
School awards are given to students for superior performance in particular subject areas as well as for extracurricular activities. These include athletic, valedictorian, and other awards throughout all academic disciplines.
Course Descriptions
The following course offerings are tentative and subject to enrollment and staffing. Course offerings may vary between semesters.
All Grade 12 courses are offered at the University Preparation level. Course codes ending with ‘4U’ indicate University Preparation level; course codes ending with ‘4M’ indicate University/College Preparation level.
Understanding Course Codes
The first character of a course code denotes the area of study to which the course belongs (A - The Arts, B - Business Studies, S - Science, etc.)
The second and third characters identify the specific course (e.g. SCH3U, where the CH identifies the course as Chemistry).
The fourth character identifies the grade of the course (1 - Grade 9, 2 - Grade 10, etc.) The fifth character identifies the course pathway or destination (O - Open, U - University, M - University/College, C - College).
Prerequisites are listed for students coming from an Ontario high school. Students coming from other systems of education should ensure that they have an equivalent background by contacting the Director of Admissions. In accordance with the Ministry of Education, the final grade in all courses taken at the College must appear on the Ontario Student Transcript.
Instruction in foreign languages is strongly encouraged by the College, in part because Switzerland has a number of national languages (German, French, Italian, and Romansh, and in part because the value of knowing two or more languages is becoming more evident in our increasingly international world.
Detailed course outlines for each course offered at NJC are available to students and parents from the Swiss office. Please contact the Director of Admissions if you have specific questions.
All course descriptions are based on current Ontario Curriculum Policy Documents.
The complete versions of these documents can be accessed at:

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