Page 9 - NJC_Strategic Plan_Jan8
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“The more of the world we see, the bigger and more awe-inspiring it becomes. Around every corner is a lesson to be learned, an adventure to be had or an experience to change a life.”
Max Robson ’17
Strategic Priority
ATTRACT MAINTAIN our focus on recruiting
bright, curious, globally-minded students who will embrace this exceptional experience
FORMALIZE, mobilize, expand and entrench our community’s active participation in student recruitment activities
ENGAGE our community in opportunities to add to NJC’s positive narrative, and to share the NJC story creatively, regularly and widely
DIVERSIFY student enrolments with
a focus on expanding national and international representation, while also attracting underrepresented male and gap year applicants
STRIVE for greater economic accessibility for families through the continued promotion of the financial awards program and support from The NJC Fund
xtraordinary Students

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