Page 11 - NJC 2021-22 Academic Calendar Book
P. 11

Literacy Test Accommodations
Accommodations will be made to ensure students with documented special needs have a fair and equal opportunity to successfully complete the literacy test. While accommodations such as alternative forms of print and extra time are acceptable, the actual content of the secondary school literacy test must not be altered.
Students with Accomodations
Students with Accommodations will be identified through Guidance and teachers will receive an educational plan, or “Student Success Profile” for these students. It often includes teaching guidelines, assessment practices and classroom management ideas. It is a requirement for each teacher to review and employ the plan and guidelines for each student with accommodations they teach, as they are individualized and will enhance educational success.
Neuchâtel Junior College is dedicated to providing support and accommodations to students who have received a medical diagnosis related to their learning exceptionalities and/or mental health and wellness. A student who uses these supports may include: those with a Learning Disability (LD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Stress and Anxiety, and other medical conditions such as visual or auditory impairment.
Entrance to university requires the successful completion of the 30 credits, at the appropriate level (University or University/College Preparation) comprising the OSSD. Nevertheless, most students at Neuchâtel Junior College will have acquired more than the minimum 30 credits comprising the OSSD when they graduate.
Special Education Program
All students in Ontario schools who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical, or multiple exceptionalities may require special education programs and/or services to benefit fully from their school experience. While NJC does its best to accommodate students with special learning needs and exceptionalities, the school has limited resources, both human and physical.
Nonetheless, students with special needs, as identified in Psychoeducational Assessments and recommended in Individual Education Plans (IEPs), are well supported. At NJC, accommodations consist primarily of instructional practices and assessments (AS, FOR, OF) that might differ from those provided to the general student population.
The accommodations might include extra time on performance tasks and assessments; strategic seating and grouping; the use of a laptop and assistive technology; formula sheets and notes; recording of lessons and use of scribes; options for oral test-taking; focused interventions by a teacher; and access to our Resource Centre.
The latter is used in diverse ways to meet the needs of students with accommodations, but especially for the purposes of writing quizzes, tests and exams. It also serves as a quiet space for students with anxiety disorders or who might experience the effects of concussions.
When not in use for students with special needs, the Resource Centre is open to all NJC students to work on assignments and group projects, study for assessments, read for pleasure, or just hang out during their spares. The Resource Centre is located on the second floor of the Pavillon. It is open from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm, Monday to Friday, and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekends.
NJC follows the guidelines provided in the Ontario Ministry of Education’s document, Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide (2017) and related policy documents. For more information, see:

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