Page 16 - The Hollow RFP
P. 16

The Hollows on Lake Travis, LLC (“Developer”) has acquired ownership of the residential building site lots (“Lots”) described herein, and intends to sell Lots to professional home building companies (“Builders”). The purpose of this Conditional Statement of Interest is to explore the potential for the Builder identified herein to purchase Lots from Developer. It is an outline of business points under which Builder will consider buying Lots from Developer, and Developer will consider selling Lots to Builder.
Builder Information (Please complete) Builder Company:
Primary Contact Person: Phone:
Preliminary Agreement. This Conditional Statement of Interest is divided into two parts: Non- Binding Conditions and Binding Conditions. By signing this Conditional Statement of Interest, the parties agree (1) that neither Developer nor Builder will be bound by the Non-Binding Conditions, and (2) that the Binding Conditions are enforceable obligations of both parties. Each party agrees that this Conditional Statement of Interest is intended only as a framework for discussions of the parties and will not constitute a complete statement of the agreement or be a legally binding or enforceable agreement or commitment on the part of either party with respect to the matters described herein (except with respect to the Binding Conditions, which will be fully enforceable and will survive the termination of this Conditional Statement of Interest). This Conditional Statement of Interest is not intended to impose on either party an enforceable duty or obligation to negotiate toward or conclude any such enforceable agreement or commitment. Each party acknowledges that, except with respect to the Binding Conditions, in no event will any discussions, negotiations, or other communications between the parties regarding this Conditional Statement of Interest or the terms contained herein rise to the level of an oral or written agreement. The parties have no obligation of good faith and fair dealing.
Lot Sale Contract. If Developer and Builder reach agreement on the terms and conditions under which Developer will sell Lots to Builder, Developer will prepare a Lot Sale Contract for acceptance and execution by Builder. The Lot Sale Contract will supersede and replace this
Conditional Statement of Interest. 032318
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