Page 13 - Beep Beep June 2022
P. 13
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Our previous Trivia nights were a great success – we can’t wait to do it all again! on
Saturday 25th June
TRIVIA NIGHT 7pm : Cooroy RSL : $10 a head
Trivia will commence sharp at 7pm.
There is a small charge of $10 per head
and any proceeds will go to Roadrunner Club Funds.
All you quizzers come along to the Roadrunner Trivia Night. You don’t have to be ‘The Beast’ or ‘The Nerd’ or even Einstein! Just bring your thinking head and test out your little grey cells.
We will have tables of 6 to make a ‘team’ – so mix in and mingle with other singles or couples – guaranteed some fun and laughter
all round.
Be warned though – all mobile phones, iPads and other techno-brains must be turned off during the event!
Bone up on your music, history, general and geographic knowledge, current affairs, TV, films and, of course, anything and everything to do with cars and motors – famous drivers, marques and manufacturers, and motor-sport events...
I guess you have an idea of what to expect.
Prizes for individual winners and tables. There will also be a door prize.
The evening is for members and friends only
– it is NOT open to the public.
Why not come along at 6pm for supper or a snack beforehand
at usual RSL prices [ pay on the night : not included in the $10 entry] ... a full bar is available all evening.
Any current Covid-19 restrictions must be observed.
FYI: The Cooroy RSL publish a current menu on their website:
“I’m afraid that ‘BUGGERED IF I KNOW’ just won’t do ... “ 13
7pm :: Saturday 25th June
AT THE COOROY RSL Supper beforehand from 6pm at RSL club prices