Page 3 - Beep Beep June 2022
P. 3

1 JUNE 2022
Hello Roadrunners
I would like to offer a warm welcome to our new Members, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
Please use the Club website as your primary source of information and I trust you will enjoy getting involved and do not hesitate to speak to myself or any of the committee if there is anything you want help with.
Warwick Weekend Away
A group of 8 members were ready to go with another 2 meeting up with us in Warwick.
Unfortunately, the weather was against us and our planned event to travel to Warwick for the weekend to enjoy the motor racing and the local attractions etc. As the weekend approached and an enormous amount of rain had fallen during the week, on Friday as we were to leave, we received reports from Warwick that many roads were flooded and impassable, indeed much of the town was experiencing flooding. We made the decision to travel to the Gold Coast where we would stay for the night and review the situation in Warwick on Saturday.
The reports on Saturday were that significant flooding had occurred in Warwick, many of the access roads were impassable and the race meeting had been cancelled.
This being the case we decided to abort the trip to Warwick and to travel further south to Kingscliff to spend the night and enjoy great company.
Although not the weekend we planned, it turned out to be a bit of an adventure, somewhat of a mystery trip! Everybody had a great time and we explored as far south as Byron Bay and Bangalow.
The Mantra Apartments we stayed at in Kingscliff would be ideal for a return visit by the Club – far enough away but not too far, very comfortable accommodation, right on the beach and plenty of places to explore.
Cooroy Sunday Cruize-In :: Cancelled!
Unfortunately, we decided to cancel this month’s Cars and Coffee due to the extreme weather which was expected to continue on the Sunday and people were being warned to stay off the roads.
An SMS notification was sent to all members as well as notices on social media.
We now look forward to next month’s event on Sunday 19th June.
As always, your Management Committee members are available at all times for feedback, suggestions and general questions or assistance required by members.
I can be contacted any time on... Phone: 0412 513 241
Remember this is Your Club ! The club for the true ‘Social Car Enthusiast’.

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