Page 20 - Beep Beep April 2023
P. 20

Battle for Australia Tour 2023 2 – 6 September
Dear All,
The RSL Gympie SubBranch Inc - VELMEC Battle for Australia Tour.
The Tour will coincide with the official Battle for Australia Commemoration Day, as promulgated by the Federal Government. iu.e. the first Wednesday in September each year.
A Nomination Form is available from
We hope that you can join us or support us in any way you can.
The Tour is about 1600 kms and is all on bitumen.
Battle for Australia Tour : Daily Programme
As we meander through the wilds of Queensland, we will attempt to put as much in your day as possible without wearing you out. Each day will start at breakfast, we’ll have a stop for smoko then lunch. Dinner each night will be at our destinations.
On our first day, we stop at Poona for our prepaid smoko. Then we are off to Maryborough for lunch at the Historic and Military Museum. After lunch, we head for Bundaberg for our first night’s stop. Dinner will be a barbecue meal. It will give us a chance to get to know each other.
Day 2 starts with a breakfast of bacon and egg, toast and juice before we head off to the town of 1770. We stop here for free time and a sight see.
Then we head for Mt Larcom for lunch at the RSL. Don’t get too hopeful, as the RSL consists of an old wooden house and a tent in a paddock. This is where the Endeavour Rally stops for lunch, which will probably be a cold meat salad roll and a piece of fruit. Tea and coffee will also be available.
After lunch, we head for Mount Morgan Caravan Park, our second night’s stay.
After dinner tonight will be fancy dress and an auction. Sean, our Chief Steward will be the auctioneer. Make sure you bring something along for the auction.
Day 3 will start in the now usual way of breakfast and mount up for the next part of our adventure.
We drive to Dingo for smoko before heading to Emerald for lunch. Tonight we will stay at Rolleston Caravan Park and have a set menu dinner at the pub!
Next morning (Day 4) starts with the usual breakfast before we head off.
Smoko today will be at the truck stop at Moura. We then drive to Biloela for lunch before departing for Eidsvold Caravan Park.
Tonight will be a concert night. Each vehicle will be expected to provide some live entertainment. Songs, poetry, jokes (family caravan park), short plays or skits. It is also our awards night. Trophies will be presented as follows:
Vasco da Gama Award for the most travelled Tourist.
Broken Spanner Award as chosen by the Breakdown Crew
Biggest Fundraiser
Esprit de Corps Award for the crew who most epitomises the meaning of the Battle for Australia Tour
Peoples’ Choice as voted on by the public as we stop at each place.
Final day, day 5. We head for Gayndah for smoko and then off to Gympie for lunch at Nelson Reserve. This is the designated Commemoration Day for the Battle for Australia. There will be a small ceremony on arrival. If you have medals, this would be the time to wear them.
Then it’s lunch and we bid our farewells but not good bye, then we are finished until next year!
    Thanks :
Tour Co-ordinator
Gympie Q 4570 ::
Phone 0435 947 760
David Collins
BFA Tour : Gympie RSL Sub Branch, 217 Mary Street,
  Map of the route
 Club members have an invitation to attend this Tour – note it is not an RCC event.
All enquiries to David Collins : 0435 947 760

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