Page 16 - Beep Beep March 23
P. 16
Battle for Australia Tour 2023 2 – 6 September
You are invited to join the above road tour, raising funds for Veterans and raising awareness of the Battle for Australia. So now you know that you need to fundraise. We will be travelling approximately 1600 kms in 5 days on sealed roads, starting and finishing in Gympie.
The following criteria apply:
Entry is $500 per participant, to be paid in full no later than 30 July 2023.
There are some rules – sorry.
This is a FUNdraising event, raising much needed funds for Veterans-in-need. You will need to pack your sense of humour along with other items explained in the Supplementary Regulations, which will be sent to you shortly after receipt of you entry fees/deposit. No animals or pets are permitted with the exception of guide dogs for the visually impaired. Vehicles other than bicycles, mopeds, charabancs, caravans, horse drawn vehicles, any form of trailer, etc. are eligible to attend. The Chief Steward’s decision on this will be final.
Your overnight accommodation along the way will be tent/ swag at caravan parks. (No bigger than 2-3 man tents, please.) Meals and smokos will be catered for by local community groups on a predetermined cost per head, which will need to be paid by you in advance. Meal tickets will be issued and you swap your meal ticket for a meal. No ticket no meal no exceptions.
Fines and bribes will be encouraged, although only the Coordinating Committee can issue fines. The Coordinating Committee encourages bribery, as long as it is the committee being bribed.
Please address all correspondence to:
BFA Tour : Gympie RSL Sub Branch, 217 Mary Street, Gympie Q 4570 :: Phone 0435 947 760
Get your old vehicle out, dress it up – the more colour – the more noise and lights, the better. Don’t forget your sponsors! Keep both your front doors clear for your supplied door panels.
Dear All,
The RSL Gympie SubBranch Inc - VELMEC Battle for Australia Tour.
The Tour will coincide with the official Battle for Australia Commemoration Day, as promulgated by the Federal Government. iu.e. the first Wednesday in September each year.
A Nomination Form is available from
We hope that you can join us or support us in any way you can. The Tour is about 1600 kms and is all on bitumen.
Thanks : David Collins Tour Co-ordinator
Club members have an invitation to attend this Tour – note it is not an RCC event.
All enquiries to David Collins : 0435 947 760