Page 2 - Beep Beep March 2022
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1 MARCH 2022
Hello everyone
I would like to offer a warm welcome to our new Members, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
Please use the Club website as your primary source of information and I trust you will enjoy getting involved – do not hesitate to speak to myself or any of the committee if there is anything you want help with.
Australia Day 2022 at the Apollonian Hotel
This is an annual event, and it was another fantastic day, thanks to the large number of members participating and their beautifully presented cars on display for the Club Show and Shine on the lawns in front of the Hotel.
We now look forward to displaying our cherished vehicles at the Charity Car Show in October.
We have many varied social events planned for the year and I look forward to seeing you there.
Roadrunner Members : SOCIAL FORUM
On the Club website, we have a Social Forum in the members only area.
This Forum is only available to members and provides the opportunity for members to discuss things, ask questions, find out information, find parts for cars or generally just to chat.
Members are able to create topics, reply to them, comment or post new topics.
Note: This Forum is only visible to members and therefore you need to be logged in to access it.
I encourage all members to use this important facility and get to know other members.
Check out a new TOPIC started by our new member Terry Walsh who is introducing himself. You can reply by welcoming Terry and keep the discussion going.
I can be contacted any time on... Phone: 0412 513 241
Email: Remember this is Your Club !
The club for the true ‘Social Car Enthusiast’.
VALE : It is with much sadness we inform you that Ros Madigan passed away on 23rd February 2022 after a long battle with illness.
She was a seen regularly at Club events with Noel in one of their many and varied cars, not always happy to have the roof off!
Details of Ros’ funeral and wake to be circulated to members via email.