Page 4 - Beep Beep January 2025
P. 4
Roadrunner Christmas
Party : 8th December
Just on 80 members arrived to be welcomed at the door by
Michel and his team who handed out place cards which
included menu choices, a door ticket and a free-drink
The array of decorative head gear was most impressive as
they came bouncing and flashing into the beautifully
decorated dining room.
Everyone was buzzing and the chatter soon overtook the
sound of the music. The tables laid for 6 guests quickly
filled up – round tables are so sociable for gossiping. There
was also a trivia sheet to entertain and spark off discussion
while sipping the welcome drink and waiting for the serving
time to arrive. On cue, the choices of turkey or salmon
were swiftly and impressively delivered around the room, all
piping hot and nobody left waiting.
Between courses our entertaining host and master of
ceremonies, Will Johns, organised the drawing of the two
door prizes – big baskets of tempting deli goodies and
seasonal knick-knacks worth $100. Winners – Marilyn
Lowndes and another guest whose name I unfortunately
did not get.
The Christmas hats, fascinators and head pieces had been
hard to judge, but the winners were brought to the front
amidst much applause to receive $50 vouchers: 1 lady, 1
gentleman. Winners – Judy Watson and John McGovern
with memorable creations!
Time for dessert and the party was hotting up with much
laughter and guests did a bit of ‘musical chairs’ chatting to
others around the room.
Will called for order and started to read out the answers to
the trivia questions – AND THAT’S WHEN THE LIGHTS
Oh dear… an outage in the town plunged us into darkness
although the battery powered Christmas tree decorations,
and John McGovern’s hat kept blinking away. Using a
phone as a torch did not cut the mustard, so Will gallantly
went around to each table checking answers and the
winning table was the Hewitt/Morgan/Eyre party in the back
By this time without air con the gathering was definitely
overheating, so it was the time to bid farewell and escape
to the coolness of our cars.
It can safely be said that a good time was had by all and
that is proved by not one tiny complaint about anything, and
a unanimous request to “do it again here next year”.
Booked already!!!! Myra Doyle