Page 25 - Beep Beep July 2024
P. 25

The Management Committee has approved a Club Policy regarding Boundaries for Club membership.
The proposal is based on the Club’s Mission Statement.
Membership of the association is limited to individuals whose permanent residential address is within the Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas – or who have a second holiday residence within the area – as defined by the following boundaries...
The Northern Boundary
Tin Can Bay, Queensland a direct line heading south west to Curra, Queensland
The Southern Boundary
Caloundra, Queensland a direct line heading south west to Kilcoy.
The western boundary is a direct line from Curra down to Kilcoy
The eastern boundary Is the Coral Sea.
These boundaries can be flexible e.g. a proposed member resides just outside the boundaries or at the discretion of the RCC committee.
     ROADRUNNER CAR CLUB MISSION STATEMENT by founding club members 2018
To provide the opportunity and to promote the social interaction of like- minded motoring enthusiasts of all ages, encourage members and their friends to participate in the social activities and events determined by the members, provide the opportunity for members to use and share their special cars and to promote the responsible use of motor vehicles.
 Notes : taken into account when this was discussed...
There are a many car clubs in Queensland SE for people to join a localised club.
If people want to join RCC from outside these boundaries because they have friends in our Club they are always welcome to join events as members guests.

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