Page 3 - Beep Beep July 2024
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It has been a busy May/June with car events and social events.
I received a call from Lou at The Apollonian on Saturday 25th May asking if I would arrange a few cars for a casual display on the front lawn on Sunday 2nd June.
Myra quickly put out a notice to members asking for assistance and the response was great with 30 members cars arriving.
Unfortunately the request by Lou was for an SBS TV show which did not happen – but it did not matter because we all had a great day out!
Graeme Block and his team have been doing a great job organising sponsors for the car show and Cooroy RSL donated $2000.00. I would like to thank Will Johns for attending the RSL presentation
and accepting the donation on the Club’s behalf.
See picture on page 2.
July is an extraordinary busy month with our usual social activities and a few extra ones as well.
This includes our Christmas in July festive lunch and a visit to Noel’s shed for a motorcycle extravaganza enhanced with a sausage sizzle.
Happy motoring Ken McGregor PRESIDENT
Phone: 0419 844 566
      S I V
 SIV Vehicle Concession Scheme
We are making some changes on the Roadrunner website to streamline the SIV registration process. It is important that all members with SIV vehicles take the time to read and digest the material. Also – read the rules on the TMR website: concession/special-interest
John McGovern Roadrunner Car Club SIV Co-ordinator

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