Page 14 - Beep Beep May 2022
P. 14

    Behind the Wheel
This month Noel St John-Wood visits Club member Ed Kropp and drives his
1934 1⁄2 ton International
 Ed with the International
  Noel behind the wheel ...
Ed Kropp’s 1934 International “C1” series utility has plenty of character and local history.
Originally shipped to Australia in a box and assembled in Dandenong (according to our in house expert Graeme Adams) the utility was initially sold in Gympie by Golden City Trucks and then spent quite a few years in Hervey Bay. It reappeared for sale many years later after being garaged and Ed happened upon its sale by chance and didn’t hesitate in acquiring this automotive rarity.
Ed uses the utility on a regular basis with many trips to car club events and the usual frequent trips to Bunnings. The utility is rare and is now well cared for by Ed, keeping his Austin Healey company in the garage.
I was looking forward to getting behind the wheel of this 88 year-old workhorse so Ed let me loose on the open road with a 3-speed all non-synchro box, wandering steer and anti-stop brakes – all the characteristics of early, working class cars!
The side valve six cylinder engine had enough power to motor along at a comfortable speed of 60 kph with plenty left for a higher speed if you wanted to. Getting used to wandering steering is challenging but after about 30 seconds it becomes a subconscious reaction to stay in the lane. The mechanical brakes needed lots of anticipated reaction – no such thing as emergency braking, something Ed will improve soon.
The Inter was a treat to drive and seemed the more I drove it the more it appealed – something about the canvas top, floorboards and listening to the sound of the old motor makes for fun driving.
It’s obvious Ed loves the Inter as he breaks into a smile every time he hops in the door: it oozes character from its revitalised polished paintwork and deep interior clean. Hand pin-striping sets the body- work off perfectly. Next time you see Ed out and about in his International, take a look at this rare beauty.
Thanks for the drive Ed. Cheers Noel
Photos from Noel
St John-Wood
    Passenger Ed ...

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