P. 52

Liberty - Odessa - Rock Port - Rolla - Springfield Mis
79  89
1-2 Persons 2 Queen Beds
209 North 291 Highway Liberty, Missouri 64068 816-781-8770
FREE Hot Breakfast, Free Wifi Free 24 Hour Coffee, Free Parking Outdoor Pool
Satellite Direct TV
With coupon at check-in. Based on availability.
Not valid with other discounts or special events. Expires 1/31/19.
$ .9__9_ $
+tax +tax
1-2 Persons 1 King Bed
Take exit 16 from I-35 N
44 44
+tax +tax $ ._9_5_
$ .9__9_ $
1-2 Persons 1-2 Persons
West, 1200 US-136 Rock Port, MO 64482 (660) 744-6282
$ ._9_5_
Take exit 110 for US-136 toward Brownville NE/Rock Port Turn right onto US-136 E
FREE Continental Breakfast
Denny’s Next Door & Waffle House Nearby Clean Rooms, Friendly Service Micro/Fridge & Coffee Maker
Guest Laundry FREE Wifi
FREE HBO, ESPN, CNN, Disney Smoking Rooms Available, Pet Friendly with Fee FREE Breakfast w/Fresh Pancakes Children Under 12 stay Free with Parent Large Vehicle Parking
Hotel will accept mobile coupon Walk-in only with coupon at check-in. Based on availability. Not valid with other discounts, during holidays or special events. Expires 1/31/19.
Rates apply to upstairs rooms only.
Picnic/play area
Large vehicle parking
60 cable stations, including HBO Black-out curtains
All rooms queen or king beds
With coupon at check-in. Based on availability.
Not valid with other discounts or special events. Expires 1/31/19.
John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Guest laundry
+tax 61
+tax 59
1-2 persons Add $5 each Add’l person
1417 Martin Spring Dr. Rolla, MO 65401 573-341-3130 From 1-44 exit 184.
1-2 persons Add $5 each Add’l person

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