P. 58
North Platte - Ogallala - Omaha Nrak
Oct - Jan July - Sept
48 48
601 Stagecoach Trail Ogallala, NE 69153
(308) 284-6365
Take exit 126 from I-80 W Drive to Stagecoach Trail 24-Hour Reception Desk Adjoining rooms upon request business center
coffee and tea makers fitness center
Free wifi and hot breakfast
$ $ .0__0_
._9_9_ ._9_9_ +tax +tax
39 $ $
+tax 49
1 Person 1 Bed 1 Person 1 Bed
Valid Sun-Thurs
Valid Sun-Thurs
501 Halligan Dr
North Platte, NE 69101 308-532-6650
From I-80 Exit 177 North on Hwy 83,
Make 1st Right on Halligan Dr. 1⁄4 Mile.
After Buffalo Bill Cody Museum.
Free Wifi
Free Deluxe Breakfast
24-Hr Restaurant Adjacent 24-Hr FREE Hot Beverages, Popcorn,
Purified Cold Water Electronic Locks Free Local Calls
Children Under 10 Stay FREE with parents
With coupon at check-in. Based on availability. Not valid with other discounts or special events. Expires 1/31/19.
Psalm 147:11
The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
With coupon at check-in. Based on availability.
Not valid with other discounts or special events. Expires 1/31/19.
Non-Smoking $ .0__0_ Free Cable TV w/HBO & ESPN +tax
$ 00 .
Expires 1/31/19
Ample Parking Expires 1/31/19 Micro/Fridge Available
___ +tax
10503 Bedford Ave Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 445-0400
I-80 take 1-680 to Maple Exit
Free Wifi Indoor heated pool Fitness center
Free hot breakfast
Based on availability. Not valid with other discounts or special events.