P. 67

#38 Christian Craig- Exactly the night Christian Craig needed to gain confi- dence and prove to himself that he can run with the top 3 when hes comfortable and having fun. This was Christian’s best race to date, winning his first ever heat race, and landing on the podium for the first time in his career.
Talk about a night full of determination for the #38. In the first heat race of the night Webb grabbed the early lead and held this position until halfway through the first lap until Christian made the pass for the lead. Battling usually slows down your pace but not only did Craig and Webb dice it up together but they pulled a 4 second gap on 3rd place of Jordon Smith. Craig would weather the storm of Webb and win his first heat race ever, by straight up passing the champ and deal- ing with everything Webb had to throw
at him.
Decotis would steal the holeshot in the main event, quickly being pushed back by Savatgy and Craig. Joey would make a mistake at the end of the first whoop section that would hand the lead over
to Craig. #38 was riding smart up front without any pass attempts until the
mid way point of the race when Webb would be contesting for the lead much like the heat race. For every attack that Webb made it seemed like Craig had an answer. While the Craig and Webb battle heated up it did give Osborne who was in 3rd a chance to catch up to the tail end of the battle. Cooper Webb finally made the pass stick with only 5 laps remaining of the main event, but Craigs night was not over yet because he had to deal with the pressure of Zach Osborne for 2nd posi- tion. Osborne made the pass on Craig the following lap leaving Craig on the final spot of the podium where he would finish for the night. Look for more podium finished by the factory Geico Honda rider as his confidence just went to a whole other level.
-Best night of his career
-Held of points leader and defending champion for most of the night -Finishing on the box
-Gained positions in the points chase
-This is round 3 not round 1, this is a short championship

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