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I asked Nick what has made Plaza so successful in the Salt Lake Valley.
What are the streights of your dealership? We are a multi brand, yamaha, ka- waskaki, honda, poliaris, and now CF Moto, dealership. Some of the top selling brands we offer and also our overall size. we have a decent sized parts depart- ment, a good size sales floor.
What is the local motorcycle scene here like in this part of Utah? It is Awesome. We have dirt, and street, we have canyon riding. We have the world class facility for Road racing at Larry Miller Sports Park just 45 min away from Salt Lake.
How much does having a world class track so close by benefit you guys? It ben- efits us a lot. From track day guys all the way up to guys that are racing circuit. It has absolutely been a boost to the local riding/racing scene, and it is only going to get better.
What would you say the strengths of this parts department are over some of your competition? The overall size of the showroom. A lot of our customers come in and say that they go to some of the other dealerships and they don’t have near the inventory that we have. We have always prided ourselves on having a larger selection where the customer can get what they need instead of having to order something online. They can just pick it up here. Not many other dealers have the kind of inventory that we do.
What is your opinion of how the motorcycle industry is here in Utah? I think it is blowing up. Because we have a lot to offer in Utah. We have mountains, desert, we have sand dunes, you know Moab is only a couple hours away. We have snow for the snow guys. We have a little bit of everything to offer. Utah is known as the “State of Sport”.

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